Westhill's Award Winning Chiropractic Clinic
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a GP/doctor’s referral?
No, chiropractors are trained to assess patients as primary contact practitioners. A GP's referral may be required for some insurance policies.
Will it be sore?
Treatment should not normally be sore, through depending on the complaint there may be some mild discomfort, similar to how you can feel after moderate exercise. The chiropractor will discuss this during the consultation.
Will I get treatment on the day of my assessment?
Normally treatment will be provided at the initial assessment, however treatment may not be suitable initially if the chiropractors requires additional tests or referral is required.
Are chiropractors regulated healthcare professionals.
In common with other healthcare professionals such as medical practitioners nurses and dentists, the chiropractic profession is regulated by law.
The Chiropractors Act 1994 provides statutory regulation for the profession and the title ‘chiropractor’ is protected under this legislation. The statutory regulator is the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and it is illegal to practise as a chiropractor without being registered with the GCC.